
Fujifilm is one of the premiere brands for creatives. We all know the classic film stocks, the camera bodies, and what their technology brings to an image. Go on any set, and we’re sure you’ll see someone in the camera department with a Fujifilm camera tucked in a bag.

For us, the opportunity to work with the Fujifilm Canada and Fujifilm USA teams is a pleasure. Working with them to create consistency in their storytelling, and elevating the brands visuals is an exciting challenge and opportunity when it comes to product launches or creative programs.

Product Launch - Fujifilm Canada

XS-20 - BTS Film

For the launch of the Fujifilm XS-20, we created this BTS film of Taha Chanouha as he created a street photography project of his new home in Toronto.

Originally from Lebanon, Taha’s journey into photography started as a way to process his depression. As a creative outlet, he fell in love with the process of creating images and that sent him on a journey of both creative and personal discovery.

This is the BTS film of his project. See his full project on the Fujifilm website.

Director: Braden Dragomir
Story Lead and Script: Braden Dragomir
Cinematography: Braden Dragomir & Brody McMaster
Editor: Taylor Leeder

Affinity - Fujifilm USA

2022 GFX Grant - Katie Orlinsky

Katie Orlinsky is a photographer focused on documenting the effects of Climate Change around the world. For her GFX Grant project, she was working on a project documenting a unique Reindeer Herd in Northwest Territories.

While travel constraints limited our ability to tell her story in the north, we got to spend some time with her in her home in Brooklyn to talk about the project and her work.

About her project, The Last Reindeer:

Arctic caribou populations have been in shocking decline, going from a total of 5 million animals twenty years ago to roughly 2 million today. This profound loss threatens to put even more pressure on the fragile, interconnected ecosystem of the Arctic, and the indigenous communities across Alaska and Canada that depend on caribou. Reindeer are the domesticated cousins of the endangered wild caribou, and Canada’s reindeer population has dwindled to less than 3,000 animals, putting them at the brink of extinction. But in August 2021, the Inuvialuit Settlement Region became the sole owners and managers of Canada’s last and only reindeer herd. In taking over care of this herd, the Inuvialuit people are working to reverse this dire population decline, support regional food sovereignty and heal their arctic ecosystem besieged by climate change. With the support of the GFX Challenge Grant, I would like to help tell this inspiring story of resilience and revitalization at the top of the world.

Director and Producer: Braden Dragomir
Head of Production: Jackie Merry
Creative Producer: Varina Shaughnessy
Production Company: Untold Storytelling and Pairadox Studios
Cinematographers and Colour Grade: Braden Dragomir & Brody McMaster Editor & Sound Design: Taylor Leeder
Audio Mastering: John Sanfilippo
Post-Production Supervisors: Jason Koczanowicz and Casper Hanney
Production Coordinator: Nu Nguyen
Aerial footage provided by Katie Orlinsky
Shot of FUJIFILM X-H2S with FUJINON MKX and XF Prime Lenses

Product Launch - Fujifilm Canada

GFX100ii + GF110mm Tilt-Shift Lens- BTS Film

Alongside the launch of the GFX100ii, Fujifilm released a new set of lenses, two of which we created Canadian films for.

The first features the work on Jonathan Bielaski, an exceptional environmental portrait and food photographer, using the GF110mmF5.6 Tilt-Shift Macro.

The unique part of this film is how Jonathan uses the technical qualities of the lens to shift the planes of the image, instead of using the Tilt-Shift for it’s more creative conventions. This film is a look at the unique approach a talented photography can apply with the right knowledge.

Director: Braden Dragomir
Story Lead and Script: Braden Dragomir
Cinematography: Braden Dragomir & Brody McMaster
Editor: Taylor Leeder


The Common Thread


Tourism Kingston