Frontenac County

Open Farms Films


For the past several years, Frontenac County has been growing their every popular Open Farms event. One weekend each summer, visitors can tour local farms in the County to learn about the food and products that are grown, raised or produced in the region.

For the farmers, it’s a unique opportunity to connect with consumers, and for the County, it’s an event to celebrate the ever-growing producers that support the local economy and food supply chain.

With the pandemic in 2020, Frontenac County decided that it wasn’t safe to encourage people to go to the farms, so they built out a digital Open Farms experience.

The month-long event was centred around the 14 films, profiling participating farms, along with social media takeovers, online panels, and much more.

Director: Untold
Cinematography: Braden Dragomir & Brody McMaster
Editor: Taylor Leeder
Colour: Braden Dragomir


Watch the Films


True Patriot Love


The Brake Room